How To Care For Your Himalayan Salt Lamp: Essential Tips For Longevity

To fully enjoy the benefits of salt lamps and their calming ambiance, which supports health and well-being routines, proper maintenance and care are essential.

These beautiful Himalayan salt lamps are made from rock salt that naturally absorbs moisture from the air. When not properly maintained your salt lamp could start to dissolve or sweat.  Illuminate your space with Himalayan salt lamps, Visit Ittefaq Salt – a leading salt supplier, to explore our range of salt lamps and elevate your home’s vibe.

In this article, we’ll discuss ways to keep your salt lamp looking great and working at its best.

Fundamentals Of Caring For A Himalayan Salt Lamp

It’s important to place your salt lamp in a location that avoids excess moisture accumulation since salt lamps are capable of drawing in moisture from their surroundings through the air, around them. Sometimes salt lamps absorb moisture from the environment they’re in. When they get too warm they may start to release water droplets that could potentially damage the surface or the lamp itself.  

Salt lamps can draw in moisture from the air due, to the nature of salt which naturally attracts water molecules towards it. When exposed to levels of humidity the lamp might release moisture slowly over time impacting its look and durability. To maintain its appearance and effectiveness consider placing the lamp in an environment, with low-humidity levels. 

Keep The Lamp Turned ON Regularly

The soft heat emitted by the light bulb in the lamp helps to stop moisture from building up.  It’s advisable to keep the lamp on for hours as the warmth aids in evaporating any moisture the lamp might have soaked up.  

Consider choosing a bulb with wattage between 15 to 40 watts, for better warmth when using lamps.

How To Safely Clean Your Himalayan Salt Lamp

Gently wipe the surface with a cloth to remove any dust or remaining residue. Try not to use water or chemical cleaners because salt can naturally dissolve in water which could damage the lamp if it becomes too wet. If there is salt residue, on the base of the lamp gently wipe it away with a cloth or brush. Avoid getting it wet as that can harm the salt composition.

Protecting Surfaces from Salt Residue

In places, with humidity salt lamps could release amounts of salt residue into the air. 

Remember to place a coaster or tray under the lamp to prevent any salt moisture from reaching the furniture especially when the lamp starts to “sweat.” Consider protecting metal surfaces from salt residue by applying a layer, like a mat. 

Proper Bulb Selection & Replacement

  • Bulb Type: Make sure to use the correct wattage and type of bulb whether incandescent or low-energy bulbs.
  • Why It’s Important: It’s crucial to select the bulb to avoid overheating and maintain the lamp’s warmth to prevent moisture accumulation effectively.
  • Replacement Tips: Remember to disconnect the lamp and let it cool down before changing the bulb. If the bulb is still warm use a cloth or gloves to handle it to prevent burns or damage.

Storing Your Salt Lamp Correctly

When planning to store your lamp for a while be sure to protect it by wrapping it in a bag or putting it in a sealed container to prevent moisture from seeping in. Keep it in a place that’s not too humid.

Make sure to store salt lamps in areas to keep them in good condition and prevent any damage before using them later on.

How to Position Your Salt Lamp?

  • Best Spots to Put Your Lamp: Position your lamp in humidity-free zones, such as bedrooms, living rooms, or home offices. Do not sit next to the fireplace, near the kitchen or bath, or any humid place.
  • Room Size Consideration: When dictating lighting for a room size should factor in lamps to bring an ambiance glow and to fully make use of the room’s appearance or the wellness advantage.

Regularly check the cord

 Also, remember to always inspect the lamp’s cord and plug since salt might cause a little bit of corrosion if the lamp begins to sweat.  Check for any signs of damage, like wear and tear or salt residue, around the cord or plug section. Replace any damaged cords when necessary to maintain safety and prevent the risk of fires.


To get the best out of your salt lamp and keep it glowing for as long as possible, follow these few guidelines. In maintenance, be sure the salt lamp is always clean and dry and that the bulb wattage is appropriate. Place salt lamp in a base, or a tray so that it can prevent the furniture from getting stained by any marks the lamp may produce. By following the above simple instructions, you can use your salt lamp for the pleasant amber glow and natural esthetics over the years.

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